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GenderFirst Name/Last Name/Male
Language(s)First name: Turkish language\Turkish, Last name: Hebrew language\Hebrew
MeaningStouthearted, Brave, Chivalrous, Daredevil, Valorous, Gallant
Other names
Related namesAs a first name in Turkish: Alp, Alparslan (disambiguation)\Alparslan, Alpay. Also as a last name Alperin, Halperin, Halpern, Heilperin, in another Eastern European pronunciation also Galperin, Alper, Alperovich, Alpert.

Alper is a male Turkish given name. It is composed of the two words alp and er. In Turkish, "Alp" means "Stouthearted", "Brave", "Chivalrous", "Daredevil", and/or "Valorous". The second, er means soldier or male. Additionally Alper is used as an adjective for an ancient legendary Turkish commander; Alp Er Tunga who lived around 300 B.C. It's meant to be a good hearted one too. From the same Asian cultural roots, Alper is closely related to the name 勇士 (Japanese yuushi, Chinese yǒngshì) derived 勇 =Alp and 士 =Er words.

"Alper" is also a variant of "Halpern\Alperin" (Halperin, Heilperin, in another Eastern European pronunciation also Galperin, Alper, Alperovich, Alpert), it is a Jewish (Ashkenazic) last name based on the name of the city of Heilbronn that was created no later than the end of the 16th century. The surname belonged to four jewish rabbinic families from the Russian Empire, Poland and German principalities between the 16th and 18th centuries.

Given name


